/*Write a C program to read marks scored in 3 subjects by n students and find the average of marks and result (Demonstration of single dimensional array)*/ #include < stdio.h> #include< conio.h> void main() { int n, i; int studnets[100], sub1[100],sub2[100],sub3[100]; float avg[100]; printf("Enter the numbers of studnets: "); scanf("%d", &n); for (i=0;i< n;i++) { printf("Enter the MARKS OF of studnet : %d ",i); printf("\nsubject1:"); scanf("%d", &sub1[i]); printf("\nsubject2:"); scanf("%d", &sub2[i]); printf("\nsubject3:"); scanf("%d", &sub3[i]); } printf("Display Result "); for (i=0;i< n;i++) { avg[i]=(sub1[i]+sub2[i]+sub3[i])/3; if(avg[i] > 35) printf("\n studnet %d is PASS : with %02f percent",i+1,avg[i]); else printf("\n studnet %d is FAIL : %02f percent",i+1,avg[i]); } getch(); }