EmpId : | 1 |
Name : | kumar |
Designation : | Assistant |
Department : | ED |
BasicSalary : | 45000 |
Allowance : | 15000 |
Deduction : | 9000 |
parameters: EmpId,EmployeeName,Designation,Department,Basic Salary,Allowance,Deduction
Write a PHP program to read the employee details from the text file and
calculate the Gross and Net Salary of the employees.
Display the Gross and Net Salary of each employee along with the other details.
(No need to update the text file after calculating the gross and net salary).
The program, whenexecuted, should ask the file name containing the employee details.
data file name : kumar.txt
< ?php
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) // here isset function is using to check where a variable is set or not
$name=$_POST['name'];// accessing value from first text field
echo "EMPLOYEE NAME :-".$name;
$myfile = fopen($filename, "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
$jsonstring = json_decode(file_get_contents ($filename));
// var_dump( ($jsonstring));
$basic= 0;
foreach($jsonstring as $key=>$value)
echo " $key : ";
echo " $value ";
echo "";
echo "\n";
//Extracting data from json
$basic= $jsonstring->BasicSalary;
$GrossSalary = ($basic +$allowance) ;
$NetSalary= $GrossSalary-$deduction;
echo "Gross Salary =".$GrossSalary."
echo "NetSalary =".$NetSalary."