#Write an R program for quick sort implementation
# function to sort the values
quickSort <- function(arr) {
# Pick a number at random
random_index <- sample(seq_along(arr), 1);
pivot <- arr[random_index]
arr <- arr[-random_index]
# Create array for left and right values.
left <- c()
right <- c()
# Move all smaller and equal values to the
# left and bigger values to the right.
# compare element with pivot
left<-arr[which(arr <= pivot)]
right<-arr[which(arr > pivot)]
if (length(left) > 1)
left <- quickSort(left)
if (length(right) > 1)
right <- quickSort(right)
# Return the sorted values.
return(c(left, pivot, right))
# take sample array
arr <- sample(1:100, 10)
# call quickSort function
result <- quickSort(arr)
# print result